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Tag Archives: art game

Tale of Tales have done it again: The Observational Immersionist Style

Tale of Tales just released a new game or rather “experimental play experience” (a phrase surely concocted to appease those who don’t accept their repurposing of the word game).  Anyhow, it’s called Fatale and it is awesome. Starting with The Endless Forest, Tale of Tale’s have consistently created environments that exist for the purpose of […]

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Rationalization – a new game

I created a short game called Rationalization to help me think through some ideas. The game is very abstract and its message is primarily procedural.  I look forward to hearing any reactions you may have. _

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Reflect: What is an Artwork’s True Success?

About a year ago, I was at a digital art and new media exhibit in San Jose.  Of the many interesting installations was  Mike Treanor’s game, “Reflect .”  In Mike’s installation, I found myself taking on the movements of a variety of animals after observing and properly mimicking the actions observed.  With each animal, I […]

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